Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Welcome, Fork Enthusiast!

The Tine Zone (TTZ) is committed to the proliferation of the American Fork in both its contemporary and historical guises. The American Fork is a proud symbol of our Country's gustatory superiority, as expressed through our literature, fine art, film, and political discourse. The American Fork epitomizes the traditional American family values of usefulness, ingenuity, and technological prowess. The preservation of these values, and the forks that precipitated their establishment, are worthwhile goals that TTZ takes seriously. If you are interesting in learning more about the TTZ, contact the TZ administrator. He will be happy to assist you with brochures, posters, buttons, banners, flyers, handbills, bumper stickers, or lapel pins.  TTZ is non-discriminatory, and welcomes all religions, races, creeds, and sexes. Unless you are into spoons. In that case, get out, spooner.

1 comment:

  1. Super=sweet! Now I will be able to get all my fork-related questions answered. For example, who invented the fork?
